Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bill White Says Cincinnati Will Erupt Into Riot

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Cincinnati Will Be A Riot
But I Did Everything I Could To Stop It

4/13/2007 3:21:10 PM
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Bill White

Commentary -- I am convinced, as of this morning, that there will be a major riot in Cincinnati, Ohio on Friday -- a riot that will make the riot that occurred in Toledo, Ohio, look small. When this occurs, I want everyone to know that I did everything in my power to make our demonstration peaceful and to make our point about the inability of blacks to integrate into society peacefully, and that the riot is the predictable outcome of the Cincinnati establishments efforts.

What we are planning in Cincinnati is not covered by the existing march ordinance and does not require a permit to do. Our intent in requesting a permit was to notify the police of this event and allow them to make the security arrangements they needed to make this event go smoothly. Our first thought in planning this was to conduct our march in a peaceful and law abiding manner.

The response from the City of Cincinnati was to inflame the situation by encouraging violence and rioting and stating that they will not police the neighborhood on that day. Rather than recognize our right to point out that integration in Cincinnati has completely failed by walking into one of the neighborhoods that has failed, the City decided to try to cover up our point by "banning" our march.

Of course, the Negress who fronted this effort for Cincinnati's Jewish population proposed a series of cosmetic changes to the law that had no impact on our ability to march. Since we didn't need a permit to begin with -- we only asked for one to help the City of Cincinnati maintain order, instead of just showing up and causing chaos -- changing the permit ordinance doesn't effect us. The change of the permit ordinance has been empty grandstanding.

So, the march has not been banned, but the City has also not prepared a response to it. They are not prepared to maintain order. They are not prepared to keep violent mobs from blocking streets and destroying property. They are not prepared to "send a bill" for police services to the Negroes who have threatened to assault us.

While not preparing, communist groups have begun distributing literature, as they did in 2001, calling on the Negro population to engage in an uprising against the government. In 2005 in Toledo, a major reason for the rioting was communist organizations, composed primarily of Jews from the local university, who distributed weapons to black juveniles and urged them to attack police. In 2007 in Cincinnati, the same situation is almost certain to occur.

We are going to go through with the march for this reason: We want to show the world the failure of American multicultural democracy. We want to show the world that American cities, because of black and Jewish politicians and black and Jewish political pressure, are unwilling to police their ghettos and unwilling to crack down on black criminals who terrorize white residents. We want to show the world the failure of integration in America by forcing the bubbling racial tensions that sit under the surface in American cities to the forefront.

We challenge the political authorities to establish law and order in these neglected neighborhoods. We challenge the Jewish power structure and the multi culturalist media to show us how multiculturalism can work, when they cannot keep mobs of angry niggers from violating the rights of American citizens -- not just at out march, but through the regular and daily incidents of crime these niggers commit. We want the world to see the third world poverty and social structure that niggers in America live in, despite the generous benefits and generations of efforts at "integration" that whites have attempted.

If rioting breaks out in Cincinnati, Ohio on Friday, it will be because all of the authorities refused to take action to control a situation that they had much advance notice on. The Negro and Jewish authorities think they are refusing to protect our rights, but this situation is not going to endanger us -- it is them and their city, which they have already been choosing to let fester with crime, that is going to suffer because of their irrational desire to spite us.


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ATTN: Bill White, Editor

Post Office Box 8601
Roanoke, VA 24014

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